Construction of full-length cDNA libraries
Shotgun Library Construction:
Shotgun (either restricted or physically sheared) sequencing strategies can be used to sequence a variety of samples including cosmids, BACs and PACs. MDS begins by producing randomly generated plasmid clones. The random fragments (typically 1-3 kb in length) are cloned into a standard vector with common promoter/primer sites. Sequence data is obtained from each end of the random clones and assembled to provide up to 100% coverage of the entire clone. MDS's shotgun sequencing includes:
- Starting material - purified mRNA or total RNA
- In-coming Quality Control
- Sequencing strategy and preparation of the DNA to be sequenced
- Production of a randomly generated plasmid library
- Fluorescent sequencing methodologies
- Contig alignment of each gel read
- Hard copy report
- Original electropherograms
- Consensus sequence on disk
- Strategies for gap filling
- Return of project materials received and produced as part of project (upon request)
- On-going consultation during the project