Pre-Production Optimization
Before genotyping is scaled up for a particular SNP, several optimization and standardization reactions need to be performed. These include:
Selected florescent dye (such as SYBR green) needs to be added in order to detect the resulting PCR products. The levels of the dyes need to be adjusted to provide a stable background with a sufficient signal to background ratio. The ABI SYBR green kit provides a good system. .
A set of reactions will have to be set up to verify the region of genomic DNA containing the SNP is amplifiable and that allelic discrimination is achievable
The TaqMan technology allows one to perform the PCR reaction in a 20 ul volume. The actual useable reaction volume needs to be determined.
Primer Design
Automated primer design using ABI software
Design two sets of primers for each SNP. One will be ordered but a second set will be pre-designed in case of a failure.
Primers will be standardized to be between 18-22 mers with a constant Tm, GC ratio, etc., in order to favor success of amplification under a single set of PCR conditions.
Expected PCR products will fall into the range of 100-250 bp but may be longer if necessary.