Avian Viruses
PCR assays are available to detect viral and mycoplasma pathogens associated with birds. A selected alphabetical list is as follows:
- Avian adenovirus
- Avian Herpesvirus (Pacheco's Disease, Parrot Herpesvirus )
- Avian Influenza virus H5
- Avian Influenza virus H7
- Avian Influenza virus H9
- Avian polyomavirus
- Avian reovirus
- Exotic Newcastle Disease (END)
- Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV)
- Influenza virus A (influenza virus 1-15 H and 1-9 N)
- Pigeon circovirus (PICV)
- Psittacine beak and feather disease (beak and feather disease virus (BFDV)
- Turkey Rhinotrachitis
- West Nile virus
- Mycoplasma meleagridis: It causes respiratory disorders in turkey and other poultry birds leading to decrease in the production of eggs. Mycoplasma can also be transmitted through eggs, therefore they must be monitored through PCR.
- Mycoplasma synoviae: Infection most frequently occurs as a subclinical upper respiratory infection but may become systemic, resulting in arthritis, termed commonly infectious synovitis. Infectioussynovitis is an acute to chronic disease of chickens and turkeys,involving primarily the synovial membranes of joints and tendonsheaths and producing an exudative synovitis, tendovaginitis, or bursitis.