Molecular Diagnostics Services, Inc.
A Contract Research Organization

Functional Observational Battery (FOB)

The Functional Observational Battery (FOB) is a neurobehavioral assessment tool describing various behaviourlogical and activity related parameters of a rat strain.

In the assessment and evaluation of the potential human health effects of substances that have been observed to cause neurotoxic signs (e.g., convulsions, tremors, and ataxia) in other toxicity tests, as well as those having a structural similarity to known neurotoxicants, should be evaluated for neurotoxicity.

The functional observational battery (FOB) is a noninvasive procedure designed to detect gross functional deficits in young adults rats resulting from exposure to chemicals and to better quantify neurotoxic effects detected in other studies. This battery of tests is not intended to provide a detailed evaluation of neurotoxicity. It is designed to be used in conjunction with neuropathologic evaluation and/or general toxicity testing. Additional functional tests may be necessary to assess completely the neurotoxic potential of a chemical.

The material is administered by an appropriate route to laboratory rodents. The animals are observed under carefully standardized conditions with sufficient frequency to ensure the detection of behavioral and/or neurologic abnormalities, if present. Various functions that could be affected by neurotoxicants are assessed during each observation period.

Test procedures: MDS's minimal list of observations includes:
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